Business expansion made simple in Odessa!
Welcome to Odessa Works, the Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program of the Odessa Development Corporation. Odessa’s existing businesses are at the heart of what makes this city great. They are invested in Odessa and the Odessa Development Corporation believes in investing in them – that’s why our motto is Always Working for You!
Odessa Works champions business owners and we are dedicated to supporting and advancing the growth of existing industries here.
Funding Assistance
We welcome the opportunity to help those ready to expand their existing operations. Our funding assistance and other business retention and expansion activities target specific needs, not blanket services. From the large manufacturing corporation expansion with significant job creation potential to the small business exiting a startup curve, we are here to make the process smooth and efficient.
Planning and Permitting
We are committed to helping Odessa business owners expand with our growing community. Let us help you explore the options and resources and gain insight into planning and permitting.
Point of Contact
Your BRE team can help serve as a point of contact for assistance with workforce training and hiring, permitting for expansions, building site selection, business issues and general information about city policies and processes impacting your business.
Business Incentives
As an expanding business, you may qualify for several incentives including the following:
- Cash Grants For Job Creation
- Property Tax Abatements
- Local Sales Tax Rebates
- Development Fee Reduction
- Financial Assistance
- Rebates For Certain Construction Related Costs
- Business Training & Workforce Training
- Referrals to Other Available Resources
- Texas Enterprise Zone - one of Texas’ most potent economic development tools in attracting new and growing business ventures increasing investment and job creation in local communities
- Odessa Enterprise Zone - provides specialized incentives to qualified businesses starting, locating or expanding within the designated area
- Freeport Exemption - exempts a company’s inventory of goods in transit from property taxes from all taxing entities - applies to the export of goods, wares, merchandise and other tangible property, with eligibility dependent on all property being assembled, stored, manufactured or fabricated locally and exported out of the state within 175 days
Partner Supports
Odessa has the most supportive business partnership climate in Texas. Our partners can help with staffing resources, business plans, workforce training, continuing education and so much more. Let us help you find the right fit.
Call us today!
Odessa Works is Always Working for You! To learn more about the resources available to your business, contact Tracy Jones, Director of Business Retention & Expansion, today.
Contact us today by filling out this short form. We will go to work to help your vision become reality by assisting you through applying for funding or helping with other needs you have.